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  • ORD-focused research

    CHORD-Talk-in-interaction is part of the Swiss Open Research Data Grants (CHORD) program jointly promoted by SwissUniversities and by the ETH domain. The project team has started exchanging information with other CHORD projects across disciplines, supported by the research services of USI and of the partner universities. The USI Research and Transfer Service SRIT, for example, dedicates special attention to ORD in general and to the CHORD program in particular as part of the training it offers in the realm of research data management.


  • Swiss academic associations

    The members of CHORD-Talk-in-interaction entertain tight contacts with the boards of the Swiss Society for Linguistics (SSG/SSL) and of the Swiss Association for Applied Linguistics (VALS-ASLA), participate in the societies' annual assemblies and use the VALS-ASLA newsletter service to inform linguists in Switzerland and abroad about the events organized within the project.


    CLARIN – Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure – is a European research infrastructure aiming to render accessible digital language resources and tools from all over Europe through a single sign-on online environment. CLARIN-CH is a consortium of Swiss academic institutions that shares that goal and aims to join the European network. The consortium provides support for a set of working groups that bring together researchers who are interested in language-, resource- and infrastructure-related topics. CHORD-Talk-in-interaction is represented in the working groups "Management of Sensitive and Personal data: Ethical and Legal aspects for Linguistic data in Switzerland" and "ORD projects for linguistic data". In that context, CHORD-Talk-in-interaction collaborates with the teams of Up-LORD (UZH, Zurich University Library, CLARIN-CH), Swiss-AL (ZHAW, CLARIN-CH) and FAIR-FI-LD (UZH, CLARIN-CH, ZHAW, USI).